VR Oculus Lab¶
- Quest Developer Mode
- Quest Setup: https://www.oculus.com/setup/
- ognuno propria scena
- check XR simulator
- setup / environment
- esterno, interno, forniture
- Snap Turn Provider (Action-based)
- check Continuous Turn Provider (Action Based)
- add Locomotion System
- add Teleportation Provider
- add Teleportation Area ad un tappeto grande
- add Teleportation Anchor a due tappeti piccoli
- test Custom Reticle all'Area
- add VR_Hands to controlleers
- tennis ball - XR Grab Interactable
- XR Ray Interactor component, disable the Anchor Control setting
- XR Ray Interactor component, enable the Hide Controller on Select
- improve the ball material / colliders / smooth
- add Racchetta tennis, con Attach
- cappelli e attaccapanni
- Add XR Grab Interactable ai cappelli
- crea sfere trigger colliders per gli hooks e XR Socket Interactor
- add Attach Transform to Socket (Z == forward, Y == upward)
- duplicate
- check Starting Selected Interactable
- cappello in testa?
- Interaction Layer Mask per separare gli interactables
- audio: On Select Entered
- 3D audio on fireplace
add Reverb Zone
add haptic a hover e select
remote controller: grab and activate TV
- add Play Quick Sound + AudioSource to remote and activate event
- add a Change Material component.
- add Video Player component to tv screen
- Material Property to _BaseMap
- add play action al remote
attivitร ¶
- telefono che suona audio al click
- pulsante che apre porta
- creare torcia elettrica (ToggleLight())
pistola che spara dardi (LaunchProjectile() + DestroyObject())
ANTA e LEVER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYS35_hC6B0