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Games 4 Change

Civics & Social Issues
From social justice to environmental action, this track encompasses sessions that fuel and inform responsible citizenship in an era that desperately needs it.

Games for Learning Summit
Sharing new projects and research that evidence the power of game-based learning to transform education both in and out of the classroom.

Health & Wellness
Let's do away with the stigma: we know that games can improve our health, fitness, and even mindfulness through interactivity. Come learn how.

XR for Change Summit
Explore how immersive media and cutting edge technologies are creating new ways to create meaningful change.

UNESCO - Mobile Learning Week

Oggi Digital Learning Week (DLW)

Immersive Education Initiative

The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international collaboration of educational institutions, research institutes, museums, consortia and companies. The Initiative was established in 2005 with the mission to define and develop standards, best practices, technology platforms, training and education programs, and communities of support for virtual worlds, virtual reality, augmented and mixed reality, simulations, game-based learning and training systems, and fully immersive environments such as caves and domes.

Games for Health Europe Games for Health Europe Foundation is Europe’s leading professional organization in the field of applied health games. We bring together the best minds in game development and healthcare to develop game technologies that improve health and the delivery of healthcare. Games for Health Europe is a non-profit organization that was founded by Jurriaan & Sandra van Rijswijk in 2010.

International Serious Play Awards honor outstanding commercial and student titles used for education or training.


The Games and Learning Alliance conference (GALA 2019) is an international conference dedicated to the science and application of serious games.

The conference aims at bringing together researchers, developers, practitioners and stakeholders. The goal is to share the state of the art of research and market, analysing the most significant trends and discussing visions on the future of serious games.

2018 winners:

Bandi e Concorsi

Sono numerose le opportunità di proporre i propri progetti. Bandi e Concorsi internazionali sono all’ordine del mese.

Horizon 2020 program

advanced gaming concepts are seen as both a promising innovative technology and a key driver of creative industries in Europe

Digital games research is a young, growing, multidisciplinary field of study. It spans disciplines as diverse as arts, humanities, social sciences, psychology, design, computer science, engineering, and others. This diversity and richness is part of its strength but also one of its challenges.

Unity for Humanity

The Unity for Humanity Challenge is a skills based contest and is designed to find the best of creators who are developing projects that encompass themes of social, healthcare, education, humanitarian, and environmental issues so Unity can highlight their work.

Europa Creativa 2014-2020

  • alto livello di originalità, valore innovativo e creativo, diversità culturale e maggiore attenzione all’identità e al patrimonio culturale d’Europa rispetto alle opere tradizionali esistenti;
  • alto livello di ambizione commerciale e ampio potenziale transnazionale in grado di raggiungere i mercati internazionali ed Europei.

Secret City Trails

Bando innovazione sociale

Ai fini indicati in questo programma per supportare l'implementazione di Progetti di innovazione sociale, solo progetti che possono proporre soluzioni alle seguenti sfide:

Leggi tutto
  • Sfida per far fronte allo spopolamento delle aree rurali per il ritorno e l'insediamento di giovani nelle aree rurali.
  • Sfida mirata all'invecchiamento della popolazione, nonché progetti che aiutano migliorare la qualità della vita degli anziani e delle persone a carico.
  • Sfida contro il divario digitale nelle aree rurali.
  • Sfida per la promozione dell'imprenditoria sociale.
  • Sfida per migliorare la vita degli anziani nella provincia.
  • Sfida per l'attivazione di azioni di formazione e addestramento per le entità sociale.
  • Sfida per la promozione della cultura imprenditoriale nella provincia in particolare rivolto a giovani e donne nelle zone rurali.
  • Sfida per valorizzare le risorse naturali del territorio in un certo senso sostenibile, attraverso azioni innovative nel settore zootecnico, agricolo e agricolo l'ambiente
  • Sfida per l'inclusione sociale delle persone con diversità funzionale e, in particolare, quelli con ASD.
  • Altre proposte e sfide considerate dalle entità sociali, che

supponiamo un beneficio o un contributo sociale dall'innovazione sociale per la provincia di Malaga e in particolare per i comuni con meno di 20.000 abitanti.


Serious Games: Foundations, Concepts and Practice di Ralf Dörner, Stefan Göbel, Wolfgang Effelsberg & Josef Wiemeyer

Game-Based Learning di Romina Nesti

L’arte del Gioco di Emiliano Sciarra

The Art of Game Design Jesse Schell

Homo ludens Johan Huizinga, 2002, , Einaudi

Gamification Book: Actionable Gamification -- Beyond PBLs

Corsi Online

Leading Change: Go Beyond Gamification with Gameful Learning

Gamification & Behavioral Design: The Octalysis Framework


Serious Games and Gamification Development Secrets 2018

Siti Web
